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  • Caledonia Recovery Homes LLC

Essentials in Drug Addiction Recovery

Updated: Jan 18, 2022

Substance use disorder can sometimes feel like stepping on quicksand. It is sucking you in until it is harder to come out. Although it could be really dangerous, you can still find a way to survive and recover from it as long as you do it calmly and move in a slow and deliberate way. Recovering from drug addiction is a challenging long way and it takes dedication and mindfulness but a lot of people have proven to us that it is possible to rise above it. Here in Caledonia, we believe that recovery from drug addiction is not a simple task and we are here to help you with it. Before embarking on your healing journey, you need to know what are the essentials that could help you in your sobriety.

Have a plan for recovery

Having a solid plan for recovery helps you look at the bigger picture and sets your long-term goals. Acknowledging that you need to recover and you need help is the most important step in your sobriety journey. Making a plan can be quite tricky and maybe you will need to ask for help to get a clearer vision. You could dial a friend, talk to your family, or go ask for professional help. Talking about your problem with someone you trust gives you a better view of how you really feel and what you want to do in order to change your situation. Bringing outside perspectives could be really helpful in our life, only if it is a good one.

Try to focus on the positive things in your life

Substance use disorder recovery can be an emotional and confusing experience, it is important to think about what keeps you going in life. It can be your family, friends, pets, or passion. Focusing on the good things can take your mind off the things that can make you sad, stressed, or depressed. Therefore, it could also help you avoid the thoughts of relapsing.

Practice Gratitude

The words we use matter. Take each day to recognize yourself and your efforts. Focus on the good stuff in your life. Acknowledge your hard work. You can start writing in a journal or stating self-affirmations every day. A little can go a long way if you invest time and effort into it.

Give importance to your relationships with others

Our mental and emotional health is greatly affected by our connections with others. Spending time with family, friends, and doing things that spark up your motivation. This helps your self-esteem because you will be surrounded by supportive and positive people. Keeping unhealthy relationships, habits, activities, and outside energies would bring you a lot of bad emotions and could trigger your relapse. The things that give you peace should receive more time.

Stay physically fit

Those who have experienced substance use disorder may not be in their best physical state or can even be not in shape. It is common knowledge that keeping your body moving improves your overall mood and strength. Make it a habit to exercise, eat healthy, and sleepy properly. Build a regular workout routine that would not be too tiring for you. Create a healthy diet that works for you. It may be harder to train to eat healthy foods if you force yourself to eat what you do not like right away. Start with tasting different types of foods every day until you get used to them. Sleep is an essential ingredient to regulate our thoughts and feelings too. Getting enough sleep daily will help you set your overall mood.

Ask for your professional help when needed

This way you can learn new ways on how to recognize the signs and symptoms when you are about to have a relapse. Ask for help sooner than later. Your therapist can help you in ways that your family and friends can't. It doesn't mean that they are worth less than a therapist, but it is important to receive insights from a person who doesn't know you and a professional at the same time. Group therapy can also make you feel you belong somewhere. This way, you can practice accepting vulnerability and face the shame and guilt that you feel.

Recognize your triggers and work around them

Triggers are different in every person. Some triggers can look like social problems, making excuses in using substances, or neglecting emotional or physical health. When you see these early signs, choose to divert your attention or get help. There are a lot of ways to do this such as taking a walk, spending time with your pet, asking a friend to talk, attending meetings, or going to a professional. Learning how to respond to stress, criticism, and sadness is the key to preventing your triggers.

The first step to change is always hard but staying in a situation that ruins your body and mental health is the hardest. When you are ready to make a change, we can help you in Caledonia Recovery Homes. Call us at 844-738-9848 or email us at

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